The story of my luminous art
For many years I have worked hard to develop and refine my unique art form.
This kind of glowing pictures is one of my specialties and the idea for it came to me back in 2018. Since then I have been developing this innovative technique further. The challenge of implementation fascinated me from the start.
What makes my artworks really unique is the sophisticated lighting that I integrate into the stretcher bars of my illuminated paintings. Through my innovative implementation, the lines in the pictures can be made to shine. Light is cleverly incorporated to enhance colors and lines, creating a magical atmosphere.

My light paintings are a successful fusion of watercolor and acrylic paints and most are in my distinctive scribble style. I love working with a variety of lines and creating a creative mess. But out of this apparent chaos emerge astonishing portraits and fascinating shapes.

During the process of creating my illuminated paintings, I paint directly on the fabric, which is a special challenge. There is only one attempt to implement the work, and corrections are hardly possible. Every brushstroke, every line is forever immortalized in the fabric. This fact requires high concentration and mindfulness, but it can also be a source of freedom. It teaches me how to deal with supposed mistakes and gives me the opportunity to create something new from them.

If you look at my illuminated paintings, you really experience something special. The glow of the paintings in the evening is not only extraordinary, but also fills the room with a magical atmosphere. The gaze and thoughts linger on the luminous lines, and a new dimension emerges that takes the picture beyond the confines of the canvas.

The reactions of the people who see my light paintings are just amazing. They are fascinated by the effect that light has on the images and can hardly tear themselves away from them.
It is a truly magical experience that engages the senses and captures the imagination.
I work tirelessly to further develop my luminous paintings and to explore new techniques. I always want to find new ways to express my creativity and push the boundaries of art. It's an exciting journey and I can't wait to share my progress with you.

If you would like to find out more about my illuminated paintings or would like to purchase one of my works of art, please get in touch using the contact form or have a look at my online art catalogue . There you will find my latest works as well as information about the size, background story and price of the works.
If you would like to see my glow-in-the-dark paintings live, come visit the Scribblezone Atelier, or read my newsletter to find out where the next exhibition is taking place.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I am so grateful for your support and look forward to introducing you to the fascinating world of my light paintings.
From my heart
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